Author: Natalia Y

Where Tea meets Art & Story

Where Tea meets Art & Story

Brewing aged Pu-er tea, courtesy of Kenny & Yshel Fabula Tea, created by Kenny & Yshel, specializes in creating one-of-a-kind tea experiences & blending small batch connoisseur-grade teas with stories, people and art. Each canister tells a unique story through the artwork on the label 

The Cashmere Crisis

The Cashmere Crisis

British photographer Andrew Newey has documented the lives of the Changpa nomads in Kashmir, examining the threats to their Pashmina wool production.

Botanical Mind Online: Art, Mysticism and the Cosmic Tree

Botanical Mind Online: Art, Mysticism and the Cosmic Tree

Spring 2020 was to have been an appropriate season for the launch of one of the Camden Arts Centre’s most ambitious exhibitions to date. The Botanical Mind: Art, Mysticism and the Cosmic Tree is a major thematic group exhibition investigating the significance of the plant kingdom to human life, consciousness and spirituality, across cultures and through time. Lockdown prevented an actual launch and the exhibition itself is postponed but a complimentary online programme can now be viewed virtually. Read More

Suzi Click — A Work of Art

Suzi Click — A Work of Art

Los Angeles based designer and artist Suzi Click is a collector. Widely known for her artisan apparel and accessories line, the embodiment of her own, eclectic more is better boho style, Suzi layers both fabric and memory into each of her creations. Her 1920’s Spanish Revival home and studio is 

Make the Karo Bead Rope

Make the Karo Bead Rope

Step by Step instructions to create your own Karo Beaded Rope.Written and designed by Debra Schwartz for John Bead Corp.